Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Lady Byng

Loui Eriksson is a finalist.

I don't really have anything to add, other than in so many ways he reminds me of Jeri Lehtinen.  Especially when you start naming the best players on the Stars, he's the one you're likely to forget, and then you feel really stupid when you realize it.     

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011


And the complexity of our tax code...

In general I prefer the idea of a consumption tax but I'm not opposed to other methods of doing it.   Doing your taxes shouldn't invoke feelings of hope similar to the ones you had with those differential equations tests back in college.  It should be more like buying a case of cokes from the Kroger, you might complain about how much it cost, but you're certain the transaction was completely within the rules of legality.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rand Paul

The more I hear him talk


The more I like him

I'm a huge fan of the power of the choice of the individual.  Well that and I'm tired of having to flush my toilet 3 or 4 times.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stars Fire Crawford

I find this almost as unexpected as the fact they hired him in the first place.  The team operated on a shoestring budget, had injuries to the wrong guys at the wrong time and still came within one game of making the playoffs.  Of course if they'd made said playoffs, Vancouver would have run them out of town in four straight.  Is it possible to lose a 7 game series in a 3 game sweep?  The season series felt that lopsided.

There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the Stars going forward (Jamie Benn, Alex Goligoski and Loui Eriksson for starters) but it all amounts to a big bunch of nothing until they get the ownership situation settled.  It's true I can't spell Nieuwendyk (I have to cut and paste it) but I think he'll build a winning organization if he simply gets the opportunity to spend competitively salary cap wise.

In the I can't believe I'm saying this department...Go Redwings, I'd like to see Modano win another cup.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

No Cars in Europe?

Looks like the EU has a plan...

I don't think the real issue is the cars though, it's keeping the beautiful beaches free from the influence of the wrong people...

The plan also envisages an end to cheap holiday flights from Britain to southern Europe

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The New Federal Budget Proposal

Politico has 73 pages worth of stuffs and Ace has a pretty graph that sums up the whole thing I think.  Worth looking into if you're the type of person that wants to be informed about things.

The idiot's take?

Our current budget...

 This proposal..

Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Lame First Post

I've been doing this blogging thing off and on for something like 6 years now and I've learned two things really.
  1. I don't have anything to say.
  2. I really want a place to say it.
So in a cost cutting move that no one will notice, I've abandoned the paid for we have our very own domain names blogs that my wife and I had and am now going to post (or not) here.